President: Rick Shull

*Original program not available in our archive. Please email if you happen to have a copy.

David Eckerman and D. Segbefia, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Could nonhumans show rule-governed behavior?

Howard Pollio, University of Tennessee

What would a psychology of human experience look like?

J. J. McDowell, Emory University

Applications of matching theory.

Lawrence Fraley and Ernest A. Vargas, West Virginia University; Peter Harzem, Auburn University; Marc Branch, University of Florida

Behaviorology Debate.

Marc Branch, University of Florida

Mixing the inside and outside story: Theory in behavioral pharmacology.

Michael Perone, West Virginia University

Operant method and theory in the analysis of human behavior: Observations from the laboratory.

Paul Weisberg, University of Alabama

Learning to read: Must it always be a rocky road?

Rosemary Nelson, University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Estimating versus counting in behavioral assessment.