President: Phil Chase

Program Chair: Dean Williams

*Original program not available in our archive. Please email if you happen to have a copy.

Darnell Lattal

Behaviorism and the Board Room. 

James Johnston

Canine Detection Technology: An R&D Program. 

M. Jackson Marr

The Dynamics of Complexity

Martha Pelaez-Nogueras

Infant Social Learning--A Behavior Analytic Approach.

Maureen Conroy

An Analysis of Setting Event Research in Applied Settings: Measurement Issues and Recommendations.

Michael Perone

Remote Control of Behavior: Seeking the Limits of Diffuse or Delayed Consequences. 

Pippa Loupe

Training-Induced Antagonism of Brain Damage in MR Rat Models. 

Richard Serna

New Developments and Directions in Stimulus Control Shaping.

Steven Dworkin

Role of History and Context in Drug Reinforcement.