If your business or university is interested in sponsoring the conference, we have exhibitor packages available.
Please contact Emily Baxter for details!
Exhibitor & Sponsor Information
Exhibitor applications are required to secure an exhibit space and must be accompanied by payment in full by October 10st, 2023. Exhibitor applications are processed on a first-come first-served basis.
Gold Sponsor $399
First pick of booth location
Table and two chairs
Full page ad in program
Logo on website
Acknowledgement on-screen during breaks throughout conference
Set up availability begins Thursday during Reception/Registration,
remaining through Saturday at 12 PM
Conference badges for all exhibitors not attending conference talks
Conference registration for 1 exhibitor to attend conference talks
Silver Sponsor $199
Half page ad in program
Logo on website
Acknowledgement on-screen during breaks throughout conference
**In the past sponsors have come up with unique ideas to sponsor SEABA that do not conform to the categories above. Feel free to talk with the SEABA sponsorship representative about your ideas if you want to sponsor SEABA at a higher level but are unable to attend the actual conference.
Sponsorship Payments
Option 1: Submit Payment via Paypal
Option 2: Submit a check by mail
Please make the check payable to “SEABA” and mail to
Karen Anderson, WVU – Dept. of Psychology, P.O. Box 6040, Morgantown, WV 26506